Alternative and Green Grass Golf

The more people talk about golf’s current spike in participation, the more it pains them to recall the “Tiger boom” of the 1990s—the one that never got traction.

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Scope Out Synergies and Common Ground

AI Can Be A-OK for Course Mgmt

AI – artificial intelligence. You can think of it as the simulation of human intelligence by machines or software.

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Two letters are changing the way the world works

Virtual Technology Changes

Whether it’s ChatGPT writing college term papers or movie buffs debating the plot of the latest “Mission Impossible” film, the subject of artificial intelligence, or AI, has hit a fever pitch

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Golf Course Design

Year-end Legislative Wrap-up

As Congress returns to Washington following its summer break, this is an excellent time to review the 118th Congress and what we might expect during the last month of its 2023 session

Main Feature 4

The Drama is Now Beginning!